One hundred and twenty-five years ago, British troops were fighting in South Africa in what became known as the Boer War. Historians still debate the reasons behind the war but there is no doubt that one of the main underlying factors was the control of the enormous gold mines in the Witwatersrand area. It was the largest gold mining area in the world at that time. The worlds monetary systems were based on the value of gold and the British government were dependent upon the precious metal to maintain the Empire and their status as a world power. Britain, led by its South African High Commissioner, Alfred Milner, sought to undermine the political independence of the South African Republic by demanding changes to its constitution to grant political rights to British Uitlanders (British people working in the goldfields), aiming to shift state policy in Britain’s favour. Paul Kruger, President of the Transvaal region where the goldfields were located, negotiated with Milner but Kruger had the interests of the Boers ahead of the British. During negotiations, Kruger made several concessions, but these were all rejected by Milner. Fearing a conflict, Britain sent more troop reinforcements to South Africa which upset the Boers and after further concessions by Kruger were also dismissed, war was inevitable. The Boers issued an ultimatum on October 9, 1899, demanding the withdrawal of British troops from the border. When Britain refused, the war began on October 11, 1899.

The Boer’s were mainly farmers of Dutch origin, who had settled in South Africa over many years and knowing that they had no chance of defeating the British Army by adopting conventional warfare methods, they resorted to besieging towns such as Ladysmith, Kimberley and Mafeking. They used guerilla tactics of ambushes and hit and run against British camps and patrols. This resulted in the British high command adopting scorched earth policies and building a network of defensive barbed wire fences, nets, trenches and blockhouses to restrict the Boer movements. Over 100,000 Boer civilians were put into concentration camps, mainly women and children, where over 26,000 died from disease and starvation. Black Africans were also interned to stop them from supplying the Boers with arms and over 20,000 of them also died in awful circumstances. Lord Kitchener eventually offered generous terms to the Boers to surrender in 1902 and the ludicrous war came to an end.

Whilst the war was going on, the railway was an important communication link for the British Army but attacks by the Boers became more frequent, reaching its climax by the end of 1900. Better defences were needed, and blockhouses were erected at strategic points near to bridges over the railway. These were usually two storeys in height and had a machine gun emplacement upon the roof. Approximately twelve soldiers who manned the blockhouses had to enter by a ladder and from their elevated position, they could survey the land around them and spot any potential enemy attacks. The blockhouses took around three months to build at a cost of between £800 – £1,000, but this was deemed to be too costly. A cheaper method of building was employed which involved a double skin of corrugated iron, six inches apart, the gap being filled with shingle. A single sheet of corrugated iron was used as the roof. These worked out at around £44 each and so the army set about building them, about one mile apart, along the length of the railway network. The blockhouses were surrounded by a trench with high wire entanglements, designed to keep the enemy at bay. Over 8,000 blockhouses were built covering 3,700 miles. As time went on, trenches and steel wire fences were placed between the blockhouses so stop the Boers from crossing the lines during darkness. Each blockhouse was connected by telephone and in addition to six soldiers, armed native scouts were used to patrol the outside area. This certainly made travelling around the open country, more difficult for the Boers.

The Northern Transvaal is often overlooked as a key area in the South African War. While there wasn’t much action during the early battles, it became a crucial stronghold for the Boer resistance fighters during the guerrilla phase. As Boer commandos retreated further east and north, the recently built 290-kilometre railway line between Pretoria to Pietersburg played a significant role. This railway became vital for both Boer and British strategies in the later years of the war. In August 1900, the British army pushed into Northern Transvaal, following the railway as far as Nylstroom. They advanced towards Pietersburg in early 1901, using the railway to move equipment. After the British occupied Pietersburg, the Boers focused on sabotaging the railway. The line had ten girder bridges and seven stations at Pienaars River, Warmbaths, Nylstroom, Naboomspruit, Piet Potgietersrust, Marabastad, and Pietersburg. The full journey took 10½ hours. Following attacks, the British prioritised repairing war-damaged railway lines quickly, using construction trains to make temporary fixes and later permanent repairs. Keeping the railway operational was essential for the British war strategy.

The blockhouses along the route were given identifying numbers and it was at Blockhouse Kilo 122 that a man from Rastrick spent several months. But life was dull and very rarely did they contact or even see the enemy. Rudyard Kipling drafted a poem about life in a Blockhouse.

It is at this point that I will introduce a Rastrick lad by the name of John Henry Dyson Bintcliffe. He was born in Rastrick on October 11, 1874 to his unmarried mother, Hannah Bintcliffe but there is no doubt that his father called George Dyson, a local stone mason. George’s father (also George Dyson) was a farmer and the innkeeper at the Upper George public house, which was situated in what is now the St. Matthews Church car park. He became known as Harry but because his parents were unmarried at the time of his birth, neither his subsequent baptism or marriage records show his father’s name. He was baptised at St. Matthews Church, Rastrick in 1881 on the same day as two other siblings and was recorded in the name of Harry Bintcliffe. He went on to marry Jane Eliza Knapton on April 9, 1898, also at St. Matthew’s, but his name was recorded as John Henry Dyson Bintcliffe. In the 1881 and 1891 census records, he was shown as John Henry Dyson. It is apparent that he only ever used his Bintcliffe name on official records and was known around Rastrick and in his workplace as Harry Dyson and I will use that name for the purposes of this story.


On March 14, 1900, Harry Dyson answered the call of duty and signed up as a private soldier with the 2nd Volunteer Service Company of the 1st Battalion West Riding Regiment, service number 7024. He was immediately transferred to the Army Reserve but on the February 18, 1901, he was transferred to the colours. On March 16, 1901, he was called up to serve as the Boer War in South Africa showed no signs of ending.

Evidence from the Boer War Medal Rolls of the West Riding Regiment show that Harry served at Pienaars River in the Transvaal region on the July 16, 1901 which earned him a ‘Transvaal’ clasp to his Kings South Africa medal by ‘being present at the operation for which the medal and clasps are claimed.’

Harry kept a personal diary whilst serving in South Africa but unfortunately, only a scrappy single page remains from the first year of Harry’s time in South Africa, however, there are several other pages that have survived. These cover the remainder of his time in South Africa and offer a vivid insight into his life during this period, providing a firsthand account of the experiences of a soldier stationed far from home.


By 1902, Harry Dyson found himself stationed in the Waterberg District of Limpopo Province, living in a blockhouse near Nylstroom (now named Modimolle). Blockhouses were small, fortified outposts used by the British during the war to control key routes and areas. In this case, it was the railway line that ran between Pietersberg (now named Polokwane) and Pretoria in the Northern Transvaal.

Conditions were harsh, with limited resources and frequent illness among the troops. On March 18, 1902, Harry and his companion, Private Dennison, went into Nylstroom for supplies. The area was marked by the grim legacy of a concentration camp where 525 Boer civilians had died between May 1901 and March 1902.

Correspondence and Longing for Home

Throughout his diary, Harry expressed a deep yearning for home and frequent mentions of letters from his wife, Jennie. Her correspondence was a source of comfort and morale during his time in South Africa. The diary also records significant events such as Easter Sunday (March 30, 1902), when he hoped for an end to the war, and April 12, 1902, the anniversary of his wedding.

Harry received regular copies of the Brighouse Echo newspaper, sent to him by the Reverend Robert Gill Irving, the minister of St. Matthew’s Church in Rastrick. These newspapers served as a vital connection to home, keeping him informed about local events and reinforcing his bond with his community. Friday became known to him as “Brighouse Echo day,” a small but significant marker of routine in the otherwise uncertain conditions of war.

Encounters with Wildlife

In addition to his military duties, Harry spent time interacting with the local environment. He wrote of setting traps for jackals and monkeys, skinning snakes, and collecting animal fangs and skins. On May 15, 1902, he described catching and skinning an exceptionally large monkey, a unique specimen measuring seven feet from nose to tail. The pursuit of these monkeys became a recurring theme, as he often mentioned the challenges of tracking them across the rocky terrain. On May 14, after firing at a group of monkeys during dusk, he tracked a blood trail but was unable to locate the wounded animal until the following morning. He noted the creature’s immense size and the struggle it took to bring it back to camp. Despite the hardships, he found fascination in the natural world, reflecting the monotony of blockhouse life.

Encounters with Fellow Soldiers and Officers

Harry’s interactions with his fellow soldiers and officers provide further insight into his daily life. He occasionally mentioned rough camaraderie, such as the “Rough House” on March 23, 1902, which lasted for hours. The monotony of life in the blockhouse was evident as he describes one evening as a ‘rum night’ however they were punctuated by the occasional festive meal at Easter and Whitsuntide, where Harry was commended for his cooking skills, including currant loaves and pastries. His relationship with Antonio, a local worker, also stands out. Together, they set traps for jackals and discussed local wildlife, forming an unlikely bond amid the war.

Harry also recorded encounters with higher-ranking personnel. On May 14, 1902, he mentioned General Barton passing through on a train, a moment that gave him hope for movement and eventual return home. The arrival of reinforcements, including Indian soldiers and the Wiltshire Regiment, brought a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The departure of his officer on May 21, 1902, signalled the imminent relief of his post, further strengthening his resolve to return to England.

Signs of Peace and Preparation to Leave

The prospect of peace was a recurring theme in Harry’s diary. By mid-April 1902, he noted that negotiations were underway, with key Boer leaders such as General Louis Botha and Koos De la Rey meeting with British officials. On April 18, he received official notification that his battalion would soon be heading home. Despite delays and rumours, he finally left his post on May 15, 1902.

The Journey Home

Harry’s journey back to England was both an arduous and emotional experience. After reaching Pretoria and spending time in Green Point Camp, Cape Town, he embarked on the Roslin Castle troopship on May 29, 1902. The voyage was fraught with challenges, including rough seas and cramped conditions, but also moments of awe, such as sightings of flying fish, porpoises, and a whale near St. Vincent in Cape Verde. His excitement to reunite with Jennie and return to civilian life grew with each passing day.

Reflection and Hope

The final entries in Harry’s diary capture his anticipation as he neared Southampton. On June 13, 1902, he reflected on the joy of returning home, wondering if Jennie would be waiting for him in Brighouse. His final words convey a sense of relief and gratitude for the journey’s end. He was discharged from the army on the 24th June 1902.


Private Harry Dyson’s diary is a remarkable historical artifact, offering insights into the firsthand experiences of soldiers during the Boer War. It highlights the resilience and humanity of those who endured the hardships of war, holding onto hope and the promise of home.

A full transcription of his diary is shown below. I have inserted additional information about some of his comments which are which are coloured in yellow type.



A single page relates to December (1901).

December 13, 1901.  Up at 5.30. Brought gang of boys to burn bush about 2 miles up the line. Saw the ni**ers off, 280 which I got off the train last night. The sun at 7.30 is hot enough to melt a chap.

December 14, 1901.  Orders for Kilo 120 ½. Got there about 11. Wiring all afternoon. Sentry 9 to 10.30. Rained like hell and dark as pitch. Bitter cold. Slept absolutely naked.

December 25, 1901.  Christmas Day. On sentry all day. That’s all. Nothing fresh. Never is now.

Opening page of Harry Dyson's diary

Tuesday, 18th March 1902. Private Dennison and me went into Nylstroom with waggon and 10 Bongolas (Antonio) for stores. Got Kruger 10/- 5/6d from Williams. Had 3 pints of beer. Got back just in time for tea.

Believed to be Private 7084 A. Dennison.

Nylstroom was a concentration camp in the Transvaal region from May 1901 to March 1902 and where 525 deaths of interned white Boers occurred.

Wednesday 19th March 1902. Dennison goes sick (fever) I take cook

Thursday 20th March 1902. Got letters saying feathers and book had been posted. Fed up. 6 men sick in 2 days from our 4 houses. Rum night, very weak.

Friday 21st March 1902. A splendid day. 2nd load of refugees down to coast from Nylstroom. Had a good bath after-noon, Roll on big ship –

Saturday afternoon, 22nd March 1902. Tea just got to know that our draft is at Warm Baths in the Waterberg District of Limpopo Province.

The Northampton Regiment and the Wiltshire Regiment occupied posts on the line between Warm Baths and Pietersburg. Warm Baths was also known as Warmbad and was notable for its hot springs. The town is now called Bela-Bela which means ‘boiling’.

Been a splendid day. This is another Saturday in the Army. How many more I wonder. Have had to stick a stamp on a sore knuckle as I had nothing else and it was bad.

Sunday 23rd March 1902. Had a splendid dinner. Rum sauce, currant pudding. Beef and potatoes. Got complimented by the officer on currant loaves and pastry. Mail arrived, one letter from Jennie.

Jennie is his wife, Jane Eliza Knapton, who he married at St. Matthews, Rastrick on 9th April 1898

Rough House at night for about two hours –

Monday 24th March 1902.  Heard that all Column Commanders are called in to Pretoria so that looks as if they are going to come to terms. Hope so – paper mail arrives. Went out with Antonio and we set a trap for a Jackal.

Black-backed Jackals and were common in the area. They resembled a dog.

Then I spent the afternoon at his house. A very good time, In the pink.

Wednesday 26th March 1902. Nothing in trap Between 10.00pm and 11.00pm, five long trains went up with somebodies Column.

Thursday 27th March 1902. 3.00am.  Another train goes up with troops etc. 6.00am two more trains with horses, waggons etc

Friday 28th March 1902.  Good Friday. Can’t make Hot Cross Buns as the sugar is finished as also are the potatoes. The meat has been very bad for days. Think we shall be having frozen up in a few days. About 12 trains went up Wednesday and Thursday with column.

Easter Saturday, the anniversary of my wedding. Heard that Rhodes was dead, also 21 soldiers from the Northampton Regiment were killed about 30 miles East of Pietersburg – 

Rhodes was Cecil Rhodes who died 26th March 1902 and was a former Prime Minister of the Cape Colony

Easter Sunday 30th March 1902. Heard that S. Burgher etc have gone down to see Milner Hope they settle it and let us get away.

Sir Alfred Milner was the British High Commissioner in South Africa

Monday 31st March 1902.  The Boer enemy are expected to attempt a crossing near here tonight. Have got it up on the train that De la Rey has got a smashing. Mail arrived, letters from Jennie, Frederick and Edgar. Father is much better.

Koos De La Rey was a Boer General during the war

Tuesday morning, 1st April 1902.  I gave a nigger a shirt for a parrots nest.

Wednesday 2nd April.  Got a snake from Antonio, a beauty I got to skin. Jackal for 1/6 Kranz Kop. Sent a letter which I had written to our Frederick and addressed it to Edgar. Skinned snake and put it in salt.

Thursday 3rd April 1902.  Had a few hours working at the snake. I think we shall get home in August. Indian soldiers are drafts for the Northampton Regiment and Wiltshire Regiment go up. General Barton was on the train. Clobber up. No shirts.

Friday 4th April 1902.  Another couple hours working at the snake skin early morning. One of the new issue up. Also the Mail arrived. One letter from Jennie and Mr. Irving.

Robert Gill Irving, the minister of St. Matthews, Rastrick from 1872 to 1902.

During the night several trains went up to Pietersburg.

Sunday 6th April 1902.  Paper mail. Letter from my wife, Jennie.

Monday 7th April 1902. Nothing arrived

Tuesday 8th April 1902. Brighouse Echo newspaper from Reverend Irving of Rastrick

Wednesday 9th April 1902.  Posted letters to Jennie and Uncle Joe. Sent to Jennie £1.10K

Thurs. Nil

Friday 11th April 1902.  Caught a pretty snake after dark. The dog spotted it. Skinned it the same night. I crept about without coat.

Saturday 12th April 1902.  It is 12 months since we left Durban to come up country. Sent Mr. Woodhead letter.

Sunday 13th April 1902.  Mail arrived, letter from Jennie

Monday 14th April 1902.  Newspaper and book arrived

Tuesday 15th April 1902.  About 4.00am, a message came up for one man to pack with all his kit on the ration train to take 100 prisoners to Pretoria and garrison Blockhouses at Onderspoort.

Onderspoort is a town situated north of Pretoria.

As soon as we got to Nylstroom got to know the order was cancelled as they had put Gordon Highlanders into the Blockhouses so the Wiltshire of Column took the prisoners down the line.

Wednesday 16th April 1902.  Saw the prisoners at Nylstoom who were a ragged lot. We followed them down.

Thursday 17th April 1902.  We had a full day at the Blockhouse called Kilo 118 (ours is Kilo 122), we had to walk back as the ration train was late. A yarn came through the wire that we were mentioned in Orders that we were going home. I am sick of the yarns.

Friday 18th April 1902.  Lucky day. It is notified for information that the 2nd Batt. Act. Serv. Co.

2nd Battalion of the Active Service Company of Volunteers were volunteers who were attached to the 1st Battalion, West Riding Regiment. Harry Dyson is shown on the Medal Rolls as serving with the Active Service Company

will proceed to Cape Town shortly for passage home. This is an extract from Battalion Orders for today. We got it up by ration train about 5.00 pm. Hurrah.

Saturday 19th April 1902.  Mail arrived. 1 letter from Jennie. Got orders to be in Pretoria by Tuesday night. I am just going to write a letter to Jennie, the last in this country.

Sunday 20th April 1902.  Just when the train got here that was going to bring our relief, we got a message that they had to go back to Nylstroom and our relief was postponed for a few days. Went down to Antonio’s after tea and got the finest Jackal in trap I have seen. Spent 1½ hours working with it while I was on sentry from 10.00pm to 11.30pm

Monday 21st April 1902.  Our officer and Shak leave here for the Cape taking a Company of Militia who are going home. They have come here to relieve us and have only been in the country for 3 months. Well roll on, it can not be long.

Tuesday 22nd April 1902.  Nothing, only waiting

Wed. Pay Red. £1 Credit 7-7

Thursday 24th April 1902,  Nothing only waiting though for the past 2 nights there has been a big tribe of monkeys on the kopje

Koppie or kopje is Afrikaan for a small hill that rises from the veld in South Africa

to our left, 300 yds away, We have set traps for them.

Friday 25th April 1902. No news yet. One of the traps has gone off but the monkey had got out. Patrol, I went with the new officer for a long walk and set the little trap again.

Saturday 26th April 1902.  I went out shooting with the officer and shot a couple of very pretty birds. I skinned them for him and at 4 o’clock I went to lay wait for the monkeys but though they passed pretty close I could not get a safe shot owing to the rough ground. Mail arrived. 1 letter from Jennie and she enclosed one from Tom.

Sunday 27th April 1902.  Up before daylight and went out through the neck a few miles to try and intercept the monkeys but did not get a glimpse of them. About 4 miles out I found two donkeys but they were the same two that had strayed from the Blockhouse at Kilo 120. We drove them back. Two newspapers from Mrs Woodhead.

Monday 28th April 1902.  Newspaper and a book from Jennie. Parson Mr. Drury visited us.

Tuesday 29th April 1902.  Waiting. Had a good long talk to Antonio’s Wife and her Mother

Wednesday 30th April 1902.  Mr Bate and I get four good birds (1 blue jay, during morning.

Thursday 1st May 1902.  Mr. Bate took a photo of the donkeys. I had decorated them as this is May Day. Shot a most beautiful bird. Also a pheasant. Caught a gem alive.

Friday 2nd May 1902.  Finished curing the skins that we have got. Roll on Big Ship which means that I can’t wait for the ship to take me home to England. It can’t be long before we depart.

Saturday 3rd May 1902.  Mail arrived. 1 letter from Jennie and 1 from Frederick. Took a bet of 10/- to 5/- that we are still here next Saturday.

Sunday 4th May 1902.  Hicks and me went down to Blockhouse Kilo 118 for a walk. Back for dinner. Paper mail arrived, one letter from Jennie.

Probably Private 7086 W. Hicks, mentioned on the medal rolls

Monday 5th May 1902.  Mr Bale and I had a walk round Blockhouses Kilo 121, 120, 119 and 118. At dusk, I fired a shot amongst the monkeys to quiet them down a bit.

Mr. Bale is also mentioned as Mr. Bate. Was he the officer at Kilo 122, however, there is no record of him on the medal roll

Tuesday 6th May 1902.  It was bitter cold whilst on sentry duty from 2.30am to 4.30 am. I was going with the officer after the monkeys but I was too starved so got down. When we went up to the caves this morning there was a big brute laid dead. The monkey is just about the size of a man. Must have got a bullet into him last night. If so it was a lucky shot as I could not see them very well.

Wednesday 7th May 1902.  Had a very long walk in the morning North East. Saw some splendid birds. Also a hawks nest about 6 ft across it and 3 ft in depth. Inside a man could lay easy. Afternoon, washed all up. Our fellows who are stopping in the country went up on the ration train today.

Thursday 8th May 1902.  Nothing fresh. Three of us go out at night after the monkeys but we did not fire. Saw 2 very big ones but could not get a fair shot

Friday 9th May 1902.  Nothing new.

Saturday 10th May 1902.  Mail arrived. 1 letter from Jennie.

Sunday 11th May 1902.  Paper mail arrived, Scarboro and Tit Bits magazines. Hinchcliffe and me went out at night and (very faded) retire to the face of the cocks. After waiting ½ hour we see a splendid sight. About a dozen of the biggest are stoodjust above us and not more than 50 yards away. I shot at one with a soft nose and he rolled over but we were unable to find him so he was not hit bad but it was proper dark.

Either Bugler 7127 A. Hinchcliffe or Private 7098 S. Hinchcliffe, who are both mentioned on the medal rolls

Monday 12th May 1902. 1.45am Army Train goes South at 3.20am and a long train North at 3.45am.

Reinforcements for Colenbrander

I was Slightly indisposed.

Johan Colenbrander, a South African frontiersman who commanded Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts during the Boer War.

Tuesday 13th May 1902. Nothing fresh. What I took for troops for Colenbrader were empty trains and were fetching Iinniskillings down again. The monkeys come up in good time. Had a shot at about 8.00am at a big one and he rolled over so it must have been close.

Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, an Irish regiment that fought throughout the Boer War

Wednesday 14th May 1902. 10.40am I have just got an order to be ready to leave here on Friday and to leave Pretoria on Monday which is Whitsuntide. Hope it is true this time. Was just washing Haversack and Holdall when the order came. At dusk, I along with Tillbrook and we went out after the monkeys. After waiting about ½ hour I got a splendid shot and I put one in the monkey. He spun round like a top so I knew he wasbad. Went to the top of the kopje after him. Let several big fires too keep the others off and then set off to follow the blood tracks off which there was gallons. Could not find him as by this time it was pitch dark. We have got to know we are leaving this week.

Probably Private 7068 A. Tilbrooke, mentioned on the medal rolls

Thursday 15th May 1902. Off at daylight to find him and after a good trail we came across him. Such a specimen I nor the others had ever seen. From his nose to the tip of his tail he was 7 feet long. While we were skinning him the order came for us to leave today. I am keeping one of his fangs and I am letting the officer have the skin as I cannot cure it in time to bring it home. Left Blockhouse Kilo 122 at 5 o’ clock and went to Nylstroom.

Friday 16th May 1902. I had to turn back and look at the last page before I knew what day it was. We have slept the night in Nylstroom and I never felt so cold at night. All off. Blankets wet through with dew. Left Nylstroom 1.15pm arrived at Pretoria at 6.00pm, perished with cold. Had a struggle with my kit up to the next camp. Saw the armoured train just outside Pretoria that ran off the metal rails last week killing 12 men also the place where the West Yorkshire Regiment had a smash up. I got the tea made just after 9 then down to it and a good nights sleep.

Whit Saturday 17th May 1902.  Nothing of importance today. Had a stroll down to the Government Buildings at night then down to it.

Whit Sunday, 18th May 1902. Got a letter from my wife Jennie. After breakfast I had Madeira cake then went into the town cemetery where I saw the graves of hundreds of soldiers. Prince Christian Victor. Col. Vandoleur etc. (Prince Christian Victor of Schleswig-Holstein was a grandson of Queen Victoria, born at Windsor Castle in 1867, achieved the rank of Major and was involved in the Relief of Ladysmith in the Boer War. Served under Lord Roberts in Pretoria but died of malaria in October 1900. Lieutenant Colonel Cecil Foster Seymour Vandeleur served in the Boer War in the Irish Guards. He was engaged in several battles and was seriously wounded at Middlefontein. Killed in Action when his train was blown up by the Boers at Waterval nr. Pretoria on the 31st August 1901. After exploding a mine by the tracks, the Boers fired rifle shots into the carriages and twenty men, including Vandeleur and several soldiers from the West Riding Regiment were killed. As a result of the explosion, troop trains were ordered to carry Boer hostages on journeys to stop the Boers from blowing them up.

I also had a look at Kruger’s house now offices of the S.A.C. 

Had dinner at the Continental Hotel, a ripper 7 courses and tea ad lib. Just before 9 at night Botha, De la Rey and De Wet arrived by the Johannesburg train. Crowds of people. In the middle of the night it rained hard and I had to do a shuffle. Bitter Cold.

Now the Kruger House Museum. Paul Kruger was President of the South African Republic 1883 – 1900 and led the Boers against the British during the Boer War.  

S.A.C. refers to the South African Constabulary, a paramilitary force which was set up by the British to maintain order within the Orange River Colony and Transvaal.

General Louis Botha who was in charge of the Transvaal Army who fought the British and defeated them at Colenso and Spion Kop, eventually becoming the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa in 1910

Koos de la Rey was a leading Boer general during the war, Meyer (Lucas Johannes Meyer became a member of the Executive Council, taking part in the peace conference and was one of the signatories of the Treaty of Vereeniging which brought about the end of the war.

Chritiaan De Wet was a general, rebel leader and politician during and after the Boer War.

Monday 19th May 1902.  Train load of children off to Johannesburg. 1st time out since the war. We left just after 9am and after a fast run the whole way (19 miles) we arrived at Elandfontein 19 miles from Pretoria at 3.15pm. This place is the centre of the Rand.

The Rand was the western area gold mines.

There are mines in all directions. Had a ripping dinner. A very busy place. Left on Tues morning at 8am. Arrived at Bloemfontein at 7pm. Down to it in the station about 10pm as we stayed here all night. About 2.00am I wakened up and saw a blaze a short distance away. I was soon up and on the scene. It was a house that was on fire which was occupied by a family three sons and three daughters and their parents. They got out all safe. Knocked around until daylight when I and Brown went up to the cemetery where I saw 1,000 of soldiers graves. Colonel George Hugh Gough’s grave and ex President Brand of our Regiment Then to the Cathedral where I had a look in. Passed Dr. Krause’s shop.

Gough died at Norvals Pont, Bloemfontein in March 1900. He was in charge of the Cavalry Division in the Cape Colony during the war.

Dr. Krausse became Military Governor of Witwatersrand and was responsible for stopping the blowing up of the gold mines after Lord Roberts captured Johannesburg in 1900.

Just before we left, I got three Handkerchiefs.

Wednesday 21st May 1902. morning. Left Bloemfontein at 10 am, arrived Springfontein at 3pm and Norvals Pont at 5.30 pm. Had learnt that Captain Lamb was here so directly I had finished dinner, Bass Fish all served in great style. I went in search of him. Had a proper search. He was very glad etc.

Thursday 22nd May 1902. 4.00am.  Bitter cold all the way. Well, we lived through it all and arrived here at Green Point Camp about 8am on Friday. Had a good night until about 9.00 am. I then got back somehow. Anyway, I have not much time to write but we sail on Thursday, I think on the Roslin Castle.

The Roslin Castle was a troopship first used for carrying the 2nd Batt. West Riding Regiment to South Africa in 1899.

A video shows the ship leaving port.  https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/film/watch-the-roslin-castle-troopship-leaving-for-south-africa-1899-online

Saturday 24th May 1902.  Nothing fresh only we knocked around the town at night.

Sunday 25th May 1902.  Down to the docks. Volassey and Raglan Castle ships were in dock.

Monday 26th May 1902. Morning at the docks. Saxon ship was in, she is a clipper. I had a shower bath and washed my clothes yesterday.

Tuesday 27th May 1902. 9am The mail boat has come in this morning. There has been a heavy dew this last night. Oh, I went up Signal Hill yesterday. It is a height up to the top. Got a splendid birds eye view of the town and bay. Table Mountain is 3,375 ft above sea level. I saw the mail taken off the Norman boat. A lot of R.H.A.M.I on board. Had a parade and kit inspection as some of our chaps had turned a few up for £27 worth of feathers. The Brigade Adjt. Sent an order up that if they were not recovered, we were going to be detained for another month.

Wednesday 28th May 1902.  On guard in the town 8.00pm to 12.00pm or as it was, to 2am. I was Wet through.

Thursday 29th May 1902.  Up at 4.30am to prepare to embark. Got the baggage on the cart then had to take it off and repack it. As soon as we had got this done the camp commandant. Came up and ordered it all to be taken off and each man to get his own. Was the order coming to stay. However it was another kit inspection. Well, we got on board about noon and sailed about 2.00pm. Well for about 3 nights and 2 days it was a treat. Our troop deck was 6 inches deep in water and spew. Men and beds rolling about in it. Every time she rolled the edge of the top deck went under and thus we were continually wet through. Oh I was SICK but got it over about the 3rd day when she started sailing steady. I am writing this on Friday 6th June 1902 at 9.00am. We are about 30 miles from the equator. There has been nothing of interest since we left only we have passed shoals of flying fish and oh, I am counting the hours that part us now.

Saturday 7th June 1902.  Just before dusk it started raining & lightning and we looked in for a regular storm. We saw a lot of porpoises while it was raining. On guard Saturday.

Monday 9th June 1902.  We sighted a ship running across our course. Don’t know what she is. Monday night, sighted Cape Verde Island just on dusk.

Tuesday 10th June 1902, morning, arrived at St. Vincent in Cape Verde at about 7am. Not much there. Cooled during the day and such a mess I never saw. There were plenty of monkeys and birds on sale. It was a treat to see little boys diving into the sea for coins. Left just after 9pm. This is the last lap thank God. Saw a whale while we were at St Vincent a very big one.

Friday 13th June 1902. Brighouse Echo newspaper day in Rastrick. This is the last Brighouse Echo day in which I am in the Army, all being well. We are getting more into the track of vessels, 4 or 5 have been sighted this morning.

Only a few more days between me and Happiness. Roll on.

Wonder if Jennie will be at Brighouse to meet me. I hope so. The water is awful today as it got mixed at St Vincent with salt water.

Wednesday 18th June 1902. 1am. We have got to the last day. As I write this in the engine house we are not more than 50 or 60 miles from Southampton. (God grant that my king and queen are all right. All being well I should see them in less than 24 hours). I have just had a wash all over on deck. It was bitter cold. A very large vessel has just passed us close too. We have passed 30 or 40 boats this last day or two. Besides a lot of smacks and a few trawlers. I could eat a horse just now and a lot more are the same Steak and onions tonight for supper all being well. It has been very cold this past few days.

There are no further entries apart from a drawing of Gibraltar that Harry made in his diary, so one can assume that the Roslin must have called in at that port en-route to Southampton. He was discharged from the Army on July 17, 1902 having served 16 months. This meant that he was entitled to the Queens South Africa medal but was not entitled to the Kings South Africa medal as soldiers had to serve for 18 months in the colony to receive that. He would however have been entitled to the following bars on his Queens South Africa medal: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Cape Colony and Transvaal as he saw no specific action within those states to warrant a battle clasp.

Private 7047 John Thomas Crossland (rear centre) was a member of the 2nd Active Service Company of the West Riding Regt, so in the same draft as Harry Dyson. They enlisted on the same day in Halifax (March 14, 1900) and were both called to the colours on February 18, 1901 before being posted to South Africa on March 16, 1901. They were both discharged on June 24, 1902 but it isn’t clear whether they served together in Blockhouse Kilo 122 but if they did, this will be a photo of the soldiers from that Blockhouse and Harry Dyson will be one of the men on the above photograph.

These are the medals of John Crossland. Harry Dyson was entitled to exactly the same medal and clasps, as shown on the medal roll below, where Crossland is also shown. I wonder if they are still out there.

Medal entitlement
Cape Town harbour as Harry Dyson would have seen it - photo by permission of Martin Plaut
Raglan Castle upon which Harry sailed back home
View from the top of Signal Hill. Harry Dyson climbed to the top just prior to leaving Cape Town for England. By kind permission of Martin Plaut
A drawing in Harry Dyson's diary of Gibraltar
Harry Dyson's final resting place at Carr Green Cemetery, Rastrick